Lets just say we are sooooo excited for Christmas this year at the White home. Our kids are at the perfect age and are so excited for this Christmas season, and so are Skylar and I. I LOVE getting Christmas cards from loved ones, love the shopping, the food, the weather, the stress and everything else that comes along with Christmas. Along with the excitement of Christmas I love that we get a new family picture taken every year to put on a Christmas card and send them out to friends and family and wish them Happy Holidays. I have been shopping around for the perfect Christmas card to send out and have visited shutterfly.com many times and I love the bright colors and designs on so many of their Christmas cards. They look so cute with black and white photos, or color photos which I love! I also love the cards that take place of those long Christmas letters. Some have places to list your favorite things of the year and others have space to write a short note to update family and friends on your year- and to make it even better shutterfly is offering 50 free holiday/Christmas cards to bloggers! What an awesome deal- super cute cards and for FREE! Can't beat that! I have had so much fun looking at their website this year and picking out some of my favorite cards! There are quite a few cards that I love...now the problem is I just can't decide which one to use. Here is a favorite of mine.

There are so many fun things to look at and they offer so much more than just Christmas cards. They offer things for year round. Go check them out!
For photo Christmas cards go
For Desk Calendars go
For Personalized Mugs go
If you want to get in on Shutterfly's craze and get 50 FREE Holiday/Christmas cards go